Centre For Higher Learning

  • tkmcentreklm@gmail.com
  • 9090 828211 0474 2731 621, 0474 2731 629


Student Support Services

Tutorial System

Students in need of additional tutorial support for their classes are assigned proficient and friendly advisors. These advisors give personal care and attention to each students individual needs in order to help them achieve their goals.

Career Guidance

Career counselling and special training programs are conducted to aid our students in the development of various skills, increasing their employability and boosting student morale.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

A strong Parent Teachers Association (PTA) is the backbone of a good educational institution. Parents, guardians and all teaching staff are equal members of this association. The mission of the PTA is to promote an open line of communication between parents and teachers to create the most cohesive learning atmosphere for the students..

Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC)

The GRC as per govt. guidelines addresses any and all grievances brought to the attention of the institution. Special attention is given towards issues faced by female students and staff. These grievances are treated with utmost care and appropriate action will be taken.

Anti-Ragging Cell

A pro-active anti-ragging cell is functioning in the college as per the directions of Government and Court.